They are beautiful, with little make-up. Lipstick or eyes done, but rarely both. They are beautiful, and they do not blow dry and style their hair as a matter of course. They visit the coifffure to have it done; and in between, it is mostly just down, or bound up in a graceful twist or bun. To me, the Parisian women own a sense of beauty and grace that I cannot describe. They are wonderful, these wonder-women. It has been only a week, but it has been hours and hours of observing these women on the streets and in the Metro, and I am impressed mostly by their poise. I have been watching, too, the men: pushing their baby carriages, holding the hands of their children, stopping for the evening loaf of bread, shopping with the "granny" carts at the supermarche. Child care is not emasculating in Paris. The men proudly care for their children, it is natural to do so. Bien sur! Of course! During French class yesterday, one of the Russian women asked about International Women's Day, which is today, March 8. Madame went around the room, and asked each of us, how are the women in your country? Are they equal? Are they treated with the same respect given the men? It was appalling if not shocking. We were actually all ashamed to answer: Ecuador, Argentina, China, Honduras, Russia, America. No the women are not equal. No, the women are not treated respectfully. I asked how Paris will observe the holiday. She smiled. The women are equal in Paris. Then she corrected herself - they are perhaps more than equal. In English, she answered: "Do not expect to see any demonstrations in Paris tomorrow." This morning, I picked up a journal, and flipped on the TV, and I can report from Paris that the women here stand in solidarity with women around the world. It is a sisterhood, and they are a big sister.
