Fun fact - jet lag hits harder and lasts longer as we age. What a journey to get here. But get here we did. We arrived yesterday, unpacked, and passed out. Until a freight train came through our apartment around midnight. Then again about six more times between 2 and 3. Ron says it sounded more like a chain saw in a trash can. It seems the tiny window in our toilet room (yes, we have a toilet room, it's actually a tiny closet with nothing in it but the apartment's only toilet) was not shut tightly, and when strong winds visited us last night, the suction created by that little window caused the shutters on the other side of the apartment to blow open, which in turn caused this really weird ancient round vent thing in the glass to go absolutely berserk. Of course, the noise would stop by the time we peeled ourselves off the ceiling and managed to get to the kitchen, so we couldn't figure out what it was until morning. We had not planned to be up for most of the night our first night here, but we took the opportunity to learn the night sounds of our new street. Another fun fact - regardless of the hour of the day, or the day of the week, at least one motor scooter travels down each street in Paris at least once every fifteen minutes. Vrmmm....
